Hi and welcome to the class discussion blog for EN 4880B: Modernism and Empire! This blog will serve as our discussion forum weekly - feel free to visit as often as you'd like!
Guidelines to excellent blog posts: Check on Kurt Vonnegut -- http://literature.sdsu.edu/onWRITING/vonnegutSTYLE.html
On Class Presentations: Your reaction paper and peer review will now be due the day after your presentation (by Friday of the week of your presentation by 11pm by email).
On Blog Posting: Again, try to be as clear as possible and stay away from jargon while posting. The best posts are those which express interesting thoughts!
On Reaction Papers: (That you have to submit for your class presentations) A reaction paper is relatively informal -- it's simply a place for you to state how you yourself "reacted" to the readings: intellectually, emotionally, etc. For example, "this reading made me think of this concept X Y Z, or this experience A B C, and the connection could be important because of D, E, F..." It's a less stressful way for you to be able to put your thoughts across to me. "Reactions" can include anything intellectually interesting you encountered while preparing for your presentation -- including blog comments, and interactions with your fellow students.