Monday, November 17, 2008

i'm so getting this book from the library =P

Doesn't this sound like a great text for the next incarnation of this module? lol

(Plot summary of Forster's "The Life to Come", by Robert Selig, in "'God si love:' On an unpublished Forster Letter and the Ironic Use of Myth in A Passage to India.")

A Christian missionary in the wilderness so impresses a native chief by the doctrine that "God is love" that at night the chief returns to the missionary and submits to a homosexual advance. Under the innocent impression that Christian worship is, in fact, homosexual love, the chief then converts his entire tribe to homosexuality. But, as the years pass, the now-remorseful missionary rebuffs the chief's attempts to repeat their sexual encounter. At last, as the chief is dying, the missionary declares that their homosexual love was actually a perversion of the true Christian religion but that they may achieve, in heaven after death, a spiritual love for one another. The chief responds by killing his former lover and then himself in the expectation of renewed homosexual love in heaven.

for a fuller plot summary (xtianity in the story comes tagged with modernity and progress apparently) check out this site.